The Modern Slavery Act


Transparency Statement on Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery (the “Statement”) (in compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (“the Act”).

Sanderson Design Group PLC and its subsidiary companies are committed to preventing acts of modern slavery and human trafficking within its business and supply chains.

We have a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery, and whilst we are confident that the risk of slavery and trafficking within our group and supply chain is low, we continue to evaluate and improve our policies and procedures.

This is our 8th Statement made under the Act and highlights the activities we have undertaken to understand all potential modern slavery risks related to our business, and to implement steps to prevent slavery and human trafficking during the financial year 2024.

Our business:

Sanderson Design Group is a luxury interior furnishings company that designs, manufactures and markets wallpapers and fabrics together with a range of ancillary interior products. The company is based in the UK with a portfolio of brands that span heritage and contemporary design. Product design and development is carried out within the company’s design offices, which are all based in the UK, and the supply chain is closely controlled through the use of our own manufacturing facilities, wallpaper in Leicestershire and printed fabrics in Lancashire. We also have our own warehouse and distribution facilities, based in Buckinghamshire.

Our approach to tackling the risk of slavery and human trafficking within our business includes:

We aim to conduct our business in an ethical manner and to develop positive relationships with our suppliers and licensing partners.

Our supplier Code of Conduct, has been reviewed and refreshed. The Code of Conduct forms part of our Supplier Manual, which is re-issued to existing suppliers regularly, and forms the basis of any new supplier engagement.

Our Code of Conduct is based on the Ethical Trading Initiative (“ETI”) Base Code of Labour Practice, which itself is based on the standards of the International Labour Organization.

Our supplier contracts contain clauses enforcing our Code of Conduct and retain our right of audit and inspection of our suppliers’ premises. We aim to ensure that our suppliers are alert to the risks and communicate to us the steps they are taking to address any issues.

Our buying policy includes requesting our suppliers to register with the Suppliers Ethical Data Exchange “SEDEX” and complete self-assessment questionnaires. This platform also stores 3rd party audit information. We have an ongoing workstream with SEDEX in assisting our suppliers with the registration process.

Our licensing agreements contain provisions to ensure that our licensees, and any subcontractors they may use, are also legally bound to observe, as a minimum, the ETI Base Code.



Our policies:

The Group has policies which support its commitment to combat modern slavery which includes anti-harassment and bullying, equal opportunities, anti-bribery and whistle-blowing.

We encourage all employees to report any suspicion of slavery or human trafficking without fear of retaliation. We provide access to a confidential helpline to protect the identity of the whistle-blowers.

Our employment practices:

Our recruitment and employment practices contain measures to ensure there is no forced labour. These measures include:

Due diligence checks on UK recruitment agencies and minimum wage standards for any temporary labour sourced through agencies;

Training of relevant colleagues, particularly HR and management functions, to ensure they are equipped to identify and recognise any potential instances of modern slavery.

Looking ahead:

We want to ensure high standards are applied consistently within and outside the UK and are developing formal processes to:

  • identify and manage the risk of modern slavery within our business and supply chain
  • implement further employee training and awareness
  • highlight clear access to confidential reporting so that our strategy is responsive to changing risks.

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our Group’s slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ended 31 January 2024.

The contents of this statement are approved by the Board of Directors.

Lisa Montague – Chief Executive Officer 22 May 2024