Code of Conduct:

  • The Board of Directors has produced a Code of Conduct for businesses in the Sanderson Design Group PLC Group to adopt.
  • The objective of the Code is to protect the reputation of the Group and its employees.
  • This Code is of substantial importance as it will govern the way in which the businesses of the Group treat the issue of bribery.
  • The Board is committed to ensuring the highest legal and ethical standards.

The Code of Conduct:

  • We will conduct our business in an honest way without resorting to acts of bribery to obtain an unfair advantage.
  • We will set out the standards we expect from our employees in their internal and external dealings with our colleagues, customers and third parties.
  • We will conduct every aspect of our business with integrity, honesty and openness.
  • We will ensure that no employee or business will accept or give a bribe, facilitation payment or other improper payment.
  • We will not support, tolerate or condone any form of bribery.
  • We will ensure that adequate procedures are in place to prevent the risk of bribery.
  • We will comply with all applicable export control laws and sanctions when conducting business around the world.
  • We will ensure that accepting or giving any entertainment or gift that is designed to influence business decisions is not acceptable.
  • We will aim to develop strong relationships with our suppliers based on trust, understanding and respect.
  • We will expect those we do business with including agents, distributors, subsidiaries, intermediaries, consultants and contractors in the UK and overseas to adhere to principles consistent with our own.
  • We will comply with the laws and regulations wherever we do business.
  • We will expect all employees to behave respectfully and honestly in all their dealing with customers in accordance with the principles in this code.
  • We will ensure that we purchase a range of goods required for the operation of our business and rely upon a number of key suppliers; good working relationships with our suppliers are important for the success of our business.
  • We will always encourage employees to report any concerns regarding bribery or corruption through the Group’s Whistleblowing policy.

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